Complete Guide To Vastu For Kitchen: Simple Tips For A Balanced Home

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“Home is not only a place to live, but also a collection of positivity and balanced vibrations. In our Indian homes, Vastu plays an important role in deciding the interior design and home arrangement.

Vastu is a guiding light in architecture and design depicting that the laws of nature and the universe together create positive energy and bring prosperity in Vastu-compliant houses.

Vastu For Kitchen: Key Vastu Principles For Optimal Kitchen

Moreover, introducing Vastu shastra in our home helps to create a space that is balanced, and harmonious, and conducts the overall well-being of people living in the home. In addition, the kitchen is a vital part of our home so incorporating Vastu enhances health and boosts motivation.

Every appliance placed according to Vastu for kitchen principles ensures positivity and enhances motivation. If you are designing your kitchen and want to follow Vastu for kitchen guidelines, here are a few tips for creating a balanced kitchen and home.

Importance Of Kitchen Placement

The kitchen is the sacred place at home where the element of nature i.e. fire resides. So, the correct placement of the kitchen according to Vastu is important to ensure you benefit from the element of nature. However, when vastu is not followed, there may be chances of hazards in the kitchen. Moreover, proper kitchen placement as per Vastu offers an h life with a positive atmosphere and keeps negative energies away from your house.

Ideal Location For A Kitchen In A Home According To Vastu

There should be a balance between all the elements of nature i.e. sky, air, water, and fire. According to Vastu Shastra, fire is the key element in our kitchen which resides in the southeast direction. So, it is said that the ideal placement of the kitchen should be in the southeast direction of your home. Moreover, if the southeast direction is not possible due to any means, then the northwest direction is considered as an alternative to construct your kitchen in a home.

In addition, everything present in the kitchen such as appliances, stoves, cylinders, and things that have fire must be in the southeast part of the kitchen. It’s important to consider that the person cooking must be facing east while cooking as it generates positive energies in the kitchen. Additionally, the doors of the kitchen should be in a northeast direction with clockwise openings.

Directions To Avoid Kitchen Placement

Vastu plays an important role in guiding the directions as it balances nature and functionality. However, certain directions are not auspicious for the kitchen placement. According to Vastu, kitchens should not be set up in the north or northeast direction as it hurts relationships, education, and health.

Moreover, having a kitchen in the southwest direction is also not advisable. Thus, having a kitchen in this direction should be avoided.

Impact of Kitchen Placement On Health And Prosperity Space

Designing a kitchen based on vastu affects the kitchen vibes as it explains how things will be arranged as well as colour and shape. Moreover, it’s important to follow the vastu as it keeps family and people cooking healthy, happy, and motivated. Kitchen Vastu makes sure that there is a constant flow of energy enabling good health and wealth.

In addition, kitchen placement according to Vastu creates a positive environment which is reflected in tasty and healthy food. Vastu guidelines in kitchen placement are such that it keeps women cooking in the kitchen mentally and physically fit. However, placing the kitchen against the direction of Vastu may affect the women’s health negatively.

Kitchen Layout According To Vastu For Kitchen

Vastu explains that the kitchen layout arrangement influences the energy flow around us. From layout design to colour to appliance positioning, everything impacts positivity and eliminates negative energies. Thus, selecting everything as per the Vastu in the kitchen becomes essential. It includes:-

Placement of Stove, Sink, And Refrigerator

The kitchen consists of two natural elements which are water and fire. So, positioning the stove and sink is essential for balancing as they are a major source of fire and water.

  • Kitchen sink – The best direction for placement of kitchen sinks is southeast. If your kitchen faces south, then the sink should be on the north side. Moreover, it’s important to make sure that your kitchen is not in parallel or the same direction as the stove or cooking area. This is because the stove represents the fire element and the sink represents the water element, and these two should not be together to avoid a negative impact on the kitchen. So, it’s crucial that these two face opposite to each other.
  • Refrigerator – Refrigerators are the essential equipment present in every kitchen and occupy much of the space. Moreover, as per the Vastu, the direction of the refrigerator should always be southwest and one foot away from the corner wall. In addition, you must avoid the northeast direction for the refrigerator as it attracts negativity.
  • Kitchen stove – The stove represents the fire element so the position of the gas stove should always be southeast of the kitchen and the person who is cooking should face east when cooking. By doing so, the person cooking will get beneficial rays in the process and will be good for their health.

Cooking Direction

As the stove is always placed in the southeast of your kitchen, the person cooking must face in the east direction during the cooking process. Moreover, the alternate cooking direction is the west. There is a belief that facing east while cooking harnesses the morning sun’s positive energy, leading to good health and happiness in the family. In addition, it is also said that facing east enhances the nutritional value of food as it is exposed to the nourishing rays of the sun.

Storage And Cabinets

The direction of storage and cabinets plays a major role in the energy flow in the kitchen. So, it’s essential to follow the Vastu direction before the placement of cabinets. Moreover, the cabinets should always be in the south and west kitchen walls extending up to the ceiling.

However, leaving open space above the cabinet attracts negative energies so, if there is space then fill it with plants or decorative items. Talking about storage, according to Vastu, it is advised to store grains in the southwest or western direction as it brings good luck and prosperity.

In addition, Vastu advises storing lighter items in the north or the east and heavier items in the south or west. Thus, it ensures that there is a balancing of weight and maintains stability.

Colours And Lighting According To Vastu For The Kitchen

Vastu for the kitchen creates a big impact on the health and wealth of the family. So, it’s important to follow the Vastu while building your house and kitchen. Moreover, there are different colour guides for different orientations of your house according to Vastu. It includes:-

  • Kitchen in the North direction – The Vastu suggests that you should not construct a kitchen in this direction. But, if your kitchen is in the north direction, then use grey, green, and blue colours. And, do not use red, green, yellow, and orange.
  • Kitchen in the East direction – According to Vastu, if your kitchen faces the east direction, then the best colours are orange, green, and beige. One should always avoid silver, yellow, gold, white, and grey colours in the kitchen.
  • Kitchen in the West direction – If your kitchen faces toward the west direction, then Vastu advises using gold, grey, silver, and white in the kitchen. However, you mustn’t use green, orange, and red in the kitchen.
  • Kitchen in the South direction – The kitchen facing south must-have colours like red, green, orange, beige, yellow, and silver. However, you must avoid using blue, black, and grey colours in your south-facing kitchen.

Best Colours For The Wall In The Kitchen

There are many colours you can use on your kitchen wall as per Vastu with its meaning. You can use white which represents cleanliness and purity, cherry and positivity, pastel shades representing warmth and love, and light brown which represents stability. However, it’s advised not to use too much red as it creates instability and a dark colour that brings depression. If you are going to paint the ceiling then Vastu for the kitchen suggests using white as it balances the kitchen system.


Cabinets are an integral part of the kitchen for storage and maintaining aesthetics. However, the positioning and colour of cabinets must be according to Vastu to balance the flow of energy. Moreover, there are different colour options for different directions. It includes

  • If the cabinet is south or southeast, then the ideal colour is red, maroon, pink, orange, and brown.
  • If you have a kitchen cabinet in the north, then choose a blue, green, and brown colour.
  • If the cabinet is facing east, then having green and brown is best.
  • The cabinet in the west direction must-have colours such as silver and white.

Kitchen Countertop

Following the Vastu for the kitchen is very beneficial for the people residing in the house. As per the Vastu, the countertop made from stone and marble is much better than using granite. Moreover, the colour of the countertop depends on the direction of the kitchen. It includes:-

  • North-facing kitchen is avoided, but if you have a kitchen in the north, then a green countertop should be used.
  • If the kitchen is in the south or southeast, then the countertop must be brown, maroon, or green.
  • If your kitchen is in the west direction, then it is best to have a grey or yellow countertop.
  • If your kitchen is in the east direction, then you must use a green or brown colour countertop.
  • For kitchens facing northeast, a yellow countertop is best.

Lighting Position

Having optimal lighting is important for cooking in the kitchen. Moreover, it’s important to use bright light and avoid dim light as there should be brightness in the kitchen. According to Vastu for Kitchen, lighting influences the flow of energy and poor lighting may create a negative effect on the people cooking in the kitchen. Thus, it is advised to use lightning in the southeast corner of the kitchen or the center of the kitchen.

Kitchen Doors And Windows According To Vastu For The Kitchen

According to Vastu, the doors or entrance of the kitchen must be in the East, north, or northeast direction. It’s important to note that your kitchen door should not be in the same direction as the main gate of your house and bathroom.

Moreover, it’s important that your door area has proper lighting and that the door should open inward.

In addition, ventilation plays a major role in the Kitchen as it creates a positive environment when placed according to Vastu. The best direction to have a window in the kitchen is east. Furthermore, you can have a proper exhaust fan in the southeast or east direction.

Placement Of Appliances According To Vastu For Kitchen

There are many appliances used in the kitchen to make the cooking easy. Efficient, and effective. Moreover, the appliances such as ovens, mixers, grinders, heaters, and many more are kept in a southeast direction. However, avoid placing these essential appliances in a northeast direction.

Dining Area According To Vastu For The Kitchen

According to Vastu Shastra, the dining area plays a major role in maintaining health, harmony, and success in the family. Moreover, the Vastu shastra focuses on the placement of the dining table as it directly affects the family’s health. The direction of the dining area is crucial in attracting energy. According to Vastu Shastra, the dining area should be north or northwest of your house.

Moreover, the Vastu explains that it is important to place the dining table in such a direction that the head of the family faces either east or north while eating. This direction of the dining table aids digestion and ensures positive conversation enhancing everyday dining experiences.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that your dining area is not adjacent to or above the bathroom. In addition, wood represents harmony and growth, so wooden tables opted over other materials.

Do’s And Don’ts of Vastu For Kitchen

The kitchen is the most important part of the house and its aura is essential for everyone living in the house. Moreover, everything present in the kitchen has its impact, and following kitchen vastu tips you can balance the energies and turn them in your favour. Thus, here are some do’s and don’ts of Vastu for the kitchen you should consider while designing your home kitchen.

Vastu Kitchen Tips: Do’s

There are some vastu kitchen tips that you must do in your kitchen. It includes

  • The countertop should be in the east and southeast corners of the kitchen and the gas stove should be in a southeast direction, a few inches away from the wall.
  • The colours you may use in the kitchen are orange, red, yellow, brown, and rose pink.
  • Keep water bottles, earthen pots, or drinking vessels in the northeast direction.
  • The kitchen should always be in the East, southeast, or northwest direction.
  • Keep windows and ventilation on the east or the west wall of the kitchen.
  • The dining table should be on the west or northwest side of the kitchen.
  • The gas cylinder should be kept in the southeast direction of the kitchen.
  • The sink should be in the northeast direction of the kitchen.
  • Keep your pantry storage in the south or west direction.
  • Clean your kitchen and utensils daily at night.
Vastu Kitchen Tips: Don’ts

There are some Vastu for a kitchen that you must avoid for the betterment of you and your family from negative energies. It includes:-

  • Do not design your kitchen in the northeast, southwest, or north direction of your house.
  • Do not keep your kitchen directly over the pooja room, toilet, or bedroom.
  • Do not keep your kitchen door on the south wall of the kitchen.
  • Never keep the colour of the kitchen’s walls and floor black.
  • Do not face south while cooking as it leads to financial loss.
  • Do not keep the stove right in front of the kitchen door.
  • Never keep the refrigerator in the northeast direction.
Remedies For Existing Kitchen

Vastu for the kitchen is important to maintain harmony, so the kitchen must be in the right place. However, if your kitchen is not according to Vastu, then there are some remedies you must follow to counter the side effects without renovating your kitchen. It includes:-

  • If your kitchen sink and stove are very near, then separate them with a small stone partition or place a small flower vase between both.
  • If your kitchen is below the toilet then use yellow colour tiles for the toilet or if it’s above the toilet then use yellow colour tiles for the kitchen.
  • If you have a kitchen in the north or east of the house, then use a green colour slab to counter the vastu dosh.
  • If there are any negative energies in your house, then sweep the floor with sea salt water.
  • If your kitchen is in the northeast or southwest direction then use a yellow color slab.
  • If you have a kitchen next to the toilet, then paste a brown colour mountain poster on the common wall of the toilet and kitchen.

The kitchen is the sacred place as Devi Annapoorna resides in the kitchen and both water and fire elements of nature are present. So, it becomes important to balance all the forces of nature and energies transforming it in our favor. Thus, to achieve this Vastu for the kitchen comes into play. Vastu Shastra explains the design of the Kitchen which will combine the natural elements and laws of nature for a positive impact on houses.

However, if you have no idea how to design a kitchen as per Vastu, then the above-mentioned Vastu kitchen tips will be of great help. Moreover, designing your home according to vastu offers positive energy around you making you and your family healthy, wealthy, and prosperous.

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